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Best cyber privacy blogs and websites in 2021

Here are some excellent blogs and websites if you want to learn more about cyber security and privacy.

Top Cyber Privacy Blogs and Websites

Privacy Savvy

All we want is to make every internet user privacy savvy. Read More about Our Mission. How we do our testing. From passwords to the entire internet traffic, every bit of you, as a free internet user, deserves privacy and security. Therefore, we input all our efforts to test every software before it gets placed on our site.

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Centralised place for privacy resources

This’ll be a centralised place where I link to Privacy related Resources, I may provide a small description and Resources may range from VPN’s, to Password Managers to Bullet Proof Hosting.

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Privacy tools

You are being watched. Private and state-sponsored organizations are monitoring and recording your online activities. PrivacyTools provides services, tools and knowledge to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.

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Restore privacy

Breaking privacy news, original research, and helpful resources. Giving you the tools and information you need to restore your privacy, secure your devices, and stay safe online.

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Privacy is about freedom. Privacy is about autonomy and self-determination. Privacy is about being able to think the thoughts for yourself and not being coerced into behaving or thinking in a certain way. It’s about growing as a person and as a society.

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