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Free prizes for raffle: school, sports club, associations

If you are a school, a sports club, or an association, and you are looking for prizes for the fair or the tombola that you organize, then leave your details in the comment area below, explaining what you are looking for and the date of your event.

Free prizes for tombola and fair

You can:

  • propose prizes (personal objects or advertising objects)
  • ask for prizes

How to ask for prizes

Use the comment area at the bottom of the page.

Describe the following elements:

  • Introduce your school, sports club, assos,
  • Describe the cause you wish to fund,
  • Describe what prizes you would like to receive
    • to receive,
    • or offer
  • Specify the date of your event,
  • Leave your contact information (e-mail or telephone).

Another idea to find cheap prizes

Another possibility to find cheap gifts: think about looking at Amazon Outlet, a real gold mine (free delivery from 25 euros of order); you will find a lot of articles in destocking, for 3 times nothing, not bad in general.

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