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Making your own bread

Traditional recipe and ingredients to make your own organic bread by hand, cheaper than at the baker’s and without a bread machine.

Making your own bread


  • 500 g of bread flour
  • 300 g of water
  • 1 teaspoon and a half of salt
  • 2 packets of Francine “Special Bread Yeast
  • A little flour for the hands and the work surface


  • Mix the salt and flour in a bowl.
  • Make a well and pour in the yeast and then the warm water, slowly.
  • Knead vigorously for 6 minutes with a wooden spoon and then with floured hands. The dough obtained must be homogeneous and elastic.
  • Cover the bowl with a cloth and let the dough rest for 30 min. in a warm place.
  • Generously flour the work surface and flatten the dough to make a 20 cm square.
  • Fold the 4 points of the square in the center, then the 4 new points.
  • Turn the dough over and round it to form a nice ball.
  • Place the ball in the center of a lightly oiled baking sheet and cover it with a large bowl.
  • Let rise for 40 min in a warm place. 15 min. before the end of the rising time, turn on the oven at 240°C (Th.8) in classic heat or 200°C (Th.7) in revolving heat.
  • When the dough has risen, make several criss-cross cuts on the top with a fine-toothed knife and sprinkle with a little flour.
  • Put a ramekin of water on the baking sheet and put it in the oven at half height for 30 to 40 min. so that the crust is well browned.

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