How to uninstall Google Mail and Youtube on Android ?
How to uninstall the Google preinstalled bloatwares from Android: Google Search, Google Mail, Youtube, etc… (no root needed)
Google specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware.
How to uninstall the Google preinstalled bloatwares from Android: Google Search, Google Mail, Youtube, etc… (no root needed)
How to monitor and remove your trails on the Internet: using search engines, alerts and GDPR / DMCA regulations to request deletion
How to deactivate / turn off “OK Google”, the Google Assistant assistant, to reclaim privacy and make sure you’re not bugged all the time by Google
Exporting your Google photos easily to your NAS of lifetime subscription cloud service can be a much better financial choice…
Differences between free CloudFlare Web Analytics, WP Jetpack Stats and Insights and Google Analytics. Which one is reliable ? Which one is not ?
Tuto to display all my comments in the Google Play, also branded as the Google Play Store, and remove them…